Twelve Lillies
Bronze sculpture based on work in limetree wood which has been scanned and prepared for 3D-print using branze filaments from Colorfabb (80% bronze).
This 3D printed bronze sculpture can be delivered in bigger or smaller formats (within the limited edition ). Biggest volume of 20.5/21/21cm (increased to 37/37/37cm during the year of 2022) and with a higher density (weight) of Bronze filaments (max 100% infill). Price and delay to be negotiated with artist.
This 3D printed bronze sculpture can be delivered in bigger or smaller formats (within the limited edition ). Biggest volume of 20.5/21/21cm (increased to 37/37/37cm during the year of 2022) and with a higher density (weight) of Bronze filaments (max 100% infill). Price and delay to be negotiated with artist.